Monday, March 18, 2013

ABC News Pro-Jihad Coverage "San Francisco leaders denounce Muni ads as ...

The New minority in America?

After big soda ban, NYC’s Mayor Bloomberg wants to hide cigarettes

After big soda ban, NYC’s Mayor Bloomberg wants to hide cigarettes

The self anointed/proclaimed  "King of New York" continues to test how far his subjects will allow their rights and freedoms infringed upon.  In the name of some greater good causation.  The socialists are everywhere!

Till next time, don't be roadkill,

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Who are the neoconservatives?

Who are the neoconservatives? 

The first generation were ex-liberals, socialists, and Trotskyites, boat-people from the McGovern revolution who rafted over to the GOP at the end of conservatism's long march to power with Ronald Reagan in 1980. A neoconservative, wrote Kevin Phillips back then, is more likely to be a magazine editor than a bricklayer. Today, he or she is more likely to be a resident scholar at a public policy institute such as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) or one of its clones like the Center for Security Policy or the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). As one wag writes, a neocon is more familiar with the inside of a think tank than an Abrams tank. Almost none came out of the business world or military, and few if any came out of the Goldwater campaign.

 Published on Mar 14, 2012

 Ex-World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz delivered a June 2001 West Point commencement speech wherein he focused on surprise attacks-- making heavy reference to Pearl Harbor. Wolfowitz illustrated, just months before the infamous 9/11 attacks, that Pearl Harbor is interesting in that it was "preceded by an astonishing number of unheeded warnings and missed signals." The pre-meditation established by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). Wolfowitz helped to pen the think tank's September 2000 document 'Rebuilding America's Defenses' which stated on pg. 51, amidst a larger call for dramatic military build-up, that: Just a bit of history. be sure to read the full description there.

 Don't be roadkill,

If Alan Greenspan Wants To 'End The Fed', Times Must Be Changing - Forbes

If Alan Greenspan Wants To 'End The Fed', Times Must Be Changing - Forbes

In recent years, any attentive watcher has noticed that the Fed has been working rather closely with certain “Too Big to Fail” banks, in ways that are not necessarily in the public’s best interest. The fact that the Fed is likely heavily influenced by a certain well-known European banking family — a criticism that president Andrew Jackson applied to its predecessor the Second Bank of the United States, just before he killed it — is all the more reason to eliminate its influence in U.S. affairs.

In California 20,000 Illegal Aliens Went To College On Your Dollar

In California 20,000 Illegal Aliens Went To College On Your Dollar

Sorry, folks, but in Progressive-land, your children just don’t count

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bill Maher complains about his taxes being too high

Bill Maher complains about his taxes being too high

Now this is rich!  After deriding conservatives, Tea Partiers and anyone opposed to the bureaucratic bs and a flat contribution to the delusion known as 0bama king of America.  Has the balls to complain about his fluking taxes?  Really?  What an ignoramus he nor his staff came up with the stats that supported their opponente statements all along.  Now all of a sudden "Hold On a Minute!"  My take home has shrunk like my popularity and my perceived being an enlightened and entitled being.

Well Bill, lay in the bed you made.

Till next time don't be roadkill.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sign of a financial Armageddon? One of a series of articles of interest.

Sign of a financial Armageddon?
Have you been watching this stuff at least casually?  Even if you're like me have no skin the game of trading stocks.  Much less buying "put" options.

However if I were running the games in Vegas or was a bookie well this is known as hedging your bets.  In case the long shot happens and you have some heavy betters that thought tonight was the night for long shot to win.

This is basically what is going on and someone has an inside tip because no one goes that heavy on a long shot without some knowledge of what is about to happen.  You would think any how.

Seeing this happening also tips off the "FEDS" so to speak too.  But an investigation takes a long time.  Plus everyone knows one another so no one is in a big hurry because its one of them that is hedging their bets.  Its part of their game.

So how does all this affect you?  I did say affect because, that is what will happen to regular folks like you and me.  Because it will affect the cash in our pockets and banks accounts.  They will become worth less than they are now.  Inflation is the effect of the affection that these guys are about to show for us.

The Author of this series of articles has some great sources that are worth digesting their information and discerning what you must do to be ready for the "unexpected" that this seems to point to.

Till next time, don't be roadkill.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Rand Paul Filibuster: A Point Not to be Missed | RedState

The Rand Paul Filibuster: A Point Not to be Missed | RedState

"Even Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon joined in the filibuster.
Meanwhile, Lindsey Graham and John McCain went to eat dinner with the President. That speaks for itself."